We understand how frustrating it can be to see a delivery status of "delivered" when you have not yet received your parcel. We apologise for this inconvenience, which may occur beyond our control.
Here are some steps you can take to resolve the situation:
Step 1: Checking with your neighbours: Sometimes, the parcel may be given to a neighbour by the courier. Before taking any further action, we suggest that you check with your neighbours to see if one of them could have picked up your parcel.
Step 2: If your neighbours have not received your parcel, we recommend that you contact the carrier directly. You can make a complaint, explaining the situation and stating that although the parcel is marked as delivered, you have not received it.
Step 3: Once you have received a response, please send it to us by clicking on Submit a request. This will help us to understand the situation and work together to find a suitable solution.